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17 September 2007


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Hi i just come across your blog, its lovely and i really like the bucket bags they are fab !
Sarah x


hi penny, do you think a very beginner sewer who usually only sews straight lines to hem her pants could make this bag? or do you think i should practice on something else first? i have a complete bag fetish, and this one is AWESOME!


Hi Love to sew and this bag would make me AND my dds and dgds happy. Hope I have the right stuff on here so I can receive your info. This is a neat site and do so love to craft. Usually for charity BUT I "might" make one for the place where we meet for them to sell as a thank you for a free meeting place.


I love this tutorial, thank you so much for posting it. Check out my version (I tweaked the dimensions a little) here at craftster:

I do have two questions:
1. In step 4, you sew together the two B pieces -- when do you do this with the A pieces? I'm a little tired today, so I may be missing something obvious ;)

2. Any idea how to sew the band (C) on to the outer and lining without hand-stitching? There must be a way, but I'm just not seeing it... I tried a technique similar to how you might sew blanket binding onto a quilt, but it was a little messy (it was the first time I've ever tried that, though... I might just suck at it! :).

thanks again -- you rock!


i love this bag! thank you for the tutorial! can't wait to try it out!


i love this tutorial and your blog too.
i put a link to this tute in my blog. hope you wouldnt mind=)


hello sewtakeahike,
i've tried to do this bag. may not look as good as yours but i've made it! Thank you. can view my finished product here...



I am in love with this pattern!!! The only problem is that I am not very smart when it comes to sewing patterns. It would be very helpful if you could possibly make this pattern more kid friendly (as I am about to turn 14- I am not the brightest person here)


Hi! I just wanted to show you the bag my daughter made using your pattern! She is 16 and a far better sewer than I, and I think her finished purse is just gorgeous! Many thanks for all the lovely patterns on here.


Maggie L

I decided to try this bag but I have a question on the dimension if kept the same length but then made the width smaller.. on peice A to 16.0 and peice B to 10.0 What would be the width for Piece C.


This was one of the first (the first, I should say) tutorial I found and used on the internet when I started sewing a year or so ago. I have since refound your blog, and it is beautiful and wonderful (which I didn't notice in my first myopic visit), thanks for the tutorial and all the others.


Hi, I liked so much your idea to put step by step on line. It's interesting to person that would like to do someting and need help for begin. Sorry my English, I'm Brazilian.

Visit my Blog www.corecanela.blogspot.com

I like handcraft and fabric art in general.

Bye, Gil

anna keenan

Hi, Love this bag, but not sure of dimensions, they're not coming out very clear on the pattern. Any chance of making them clearer. Thanks, Anna

jaime fernando gonzalez

me gustaria colocar una pequeña microempresa de bolsos

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