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06 June 2008


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Very pretty! Is the edging done in crochet? How does one edge fabric in crochet?


what a great pillow! at first, when i saw this on my reader, i thought the title was referring to that aloe plant in the background. that would make me smile too--i love aloe (isn't that what it is?). those skinny leaves though--usually the leaves are so fat. what kind is this?

ok sorry for the plant tangent. :) really do love the pillow.


That makes me smile too Penny! Great pillow -- there's something about patchwork squares that just always works!


Im smiling too Penny, its great how you have made the scraps of fabric into something so lovely !
Sarah x


Did you make this out of scraps? Wow! You are so creative, I'm still amazed by the little piggy in your earlier post :) I love the way you propped up the pillow with the plant in the backgound! Super photo!


Did you make this out of scraps? Wow! You are so creative, I'm still amazed by the little piggy in your earlier post :) I love the way you propped up the pillow with the plant in the backgound! Super photo!


Great cushion!


Lovely cushion Penny - hope your weekend is as lovely as you were hoping! - Natalie x


That's really pretty! I love the backing too :)


This made my day to see this beautiful hand made pillow. What a wonderful design - to combine the patchwork with the lush backing. Ooooh, so nice!


Hi Penny, ive awarded you with an award.
Sarah x


what a darling pillow

The Craft Patch

Hi Penny! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog...I LOVE yours! I didn't realize you were THAT Penny. :) So much great stuff on here!


Hey Penny! Love the pillow....you always do such great work! :)


i love your blog! so much inspiration! thanks so much for visiting mine!


oh! i love the pillow and the towel. i never thought to make my own tea towel but i love that idea and how easy it looks. thanks!

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