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22 July 2009


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Beautiful story for an equally beautiful quilt. Great work! And thanks for sharing your heart.


The quilt is beautiful and so is the story. The crazy quilting reminds me so much of a simple patchwork quilt my mom years ago.


This is so beautiful - both the quilt and your story. My fingers are crossed!! [email protected]


Oh my....I love, love, love this quilt!! my favorite colors are aqua and brown! This is so lovely!
Hope I win!


This story brought tears to my eyes. The hardest quilt I made was one for a friend going through difficult times - every friend gave me a bible verse, I embroidered each verse and person's name, then had to put it together. Which gave me fits until I prayed. I love your story, and your quilt turned out beautifully. I love the name you gave it, what a lovely reminder that we need to surrender all to His will.


A quilt with an amazing history already - it will surely be one to treasure, wherever it ends up.

I saw a quilt that was crazy quilted at the weekend, the first I had seen 'in the flesh' & admired it greatly. I shall try it one day as there must be a reason why I have a machine that does so many wonderful stitches!

Thanks for sharing & I'm sure the quilt will get the home it deserves
Chris x


I love it and the story surrounding this surrender quilt makes it even more special - I too believe that God is interested in the tiny details of our lives. Thanks for sharing this with us.


this is an amazing story how something not so promising turns to a magnificent quilt. I love your story because sometimes it happens to me too. and the winner will be the Lord's choice.
Take care


What a wonderful post my bloggin friend! What a beautiful quilt. I hope you will put a copy of this post with the quilt when you send it to it's new blessed owner. ooxx`jodi


what a wonderful tale. I clicked on every picture to see the stitching up close, and it's wonderful. 120 different stitches? Wow.
Whoever is lucky enough to win this beauty will most certainly treasure it forever. I know I would.

Kelly O.

I too have a relationship with my saviour that is one of coming to Him for everything, down to the smallest detail in life. I know He does care so much about everything we battle over no matter how small.
To be honest your story has humbled me and reminded me to go to Him. I have, in my ugly, sinful, human way, been trying to deal with my life lately forgetting to hand it all over to Him. What burdens I've carried in the last weeks, trying to do it on my own.

thank you for reminding me to take it all to Him. No matter how silly or "simple" it seems. And also to "Surrender" to His desires for my life.

You will never know how much this post has touched me.
I hope whoever receives the quilt will remember your story every time they see it and that it might remind them that God is bigger than all things and He's waiting on them to share their burdens with Him.


it's lovely! it can be so hard to take yourself out of a project -- but then there is the joy of realizing that you are able to produce such a variety & depth of work, beyond a limited circle of personal taste.


What a lovely story for a lovely quilt. Anyone who wins this will have an awesome story to go along with it! Truly a treasure forever!!


gorgeous..you can surrender it to me anytime you like....


I like the more muted colors of this quilt and absolutely am amazed at the variety and beauty of the different stitches. What a great quilt and a great story.


I am still crying as I make this post,
this is a beautiful give away. When we give
from our hearts like this it is never easy.
And the fact that you fell in love with it
is because you listened to what it should
be, God leads us and talks to us all but we
have to silence ourselves so we can hear
him. Everything if we are quiet ..inside
and out, he will lead us. I am happy that he
touched you in such a close way.
A test of your faith I am sure that you
are to give away something he has lead you
to make and in his guided hand have fell in
love with as you worked on it.
Thank you for this post. If you dont mind I
am going to show this post to my children to teach them today about how God leads us in even small things, and big, but we have to listen to what he wants and not out own.
Have a beautiful day.


The transformation that you and the quilt went through is pretty awesome :) Very inspirational!


You did the whole thing just right. It's perfect just like out Savior. Thanks for sharing, Penny, and blessings many times over to you!


It's beautiful. I love how God nudges us and doesn't let us go until we follow his will. Whoever this quilt is meant for will be truly blessed by it and it's story. Thanks for sharing.


I almost always read the "story" shared with the "pretty pictures", but your sharing of the heart is exactly what we are about- salt and light! God does care about even the thread color; a God Who knows the number of hairs on our head- who else bothers? Thank you for your testimony, and the yielding of a heart. p.s. the heart was exactly the way to go!! pokey


What a great story! Thank you for your generosity!


Lovely story! Made my heart sing this morning. It is truly a beautiful quilt.
Have a great day.


I love this quilt! The story behind it is wonderful and inspired and I would LOVE to win it! How neat to know that God has plan for this one!


A beautiful story that comes just at a time I'm trying my own "surrending" in my life. A constant process but always filled by the love of God.

Just Susan

I really enjoyed your words and I love this quilt! Please enter me in your giveaway. ~Susan


I came over from Candace's and I'm so intrigued with the story of this quilt. I love it and I love the fact that you named it "Surrender." I guess I've never really thought of naming my quilts before. I'm glad Candace left a link to get here. I'll definitely be back!


This is a beautiful quilt. I can just imagine someone being wrapped in this quilt as in god's love, with a visual reminder to "surrender". It's perfect.

Janey Joop

This is a beautiful quilt and a wonderful story. The 'surrender' quilt will be well cared for at my house. God Bless. Jane


Penny, what a powerful testimony you have shared about this special quilt. I so appreciate how you showed God's love and provision in making this quilt. If I were to win this beautiful quilt, I would like for it to be sent to the daughter of my BFF who is fighting breast cancer. She has 5 small children and they are missionaries in Alaska.
Thank you for the opportunity :-)


What a delightful story - I have to admit that I have huge crocodile tears in my eyes!

Jody Blue

Sweet surrender. I call it stepping into the Jordan at flood stage. It is so nice to hear about your faith. I believe also that The Lord cares about the smallest details of our lives, creation shouts of the detail He put into it! I'm glad you went with the heart instead of the spider web. The quilt is amazing and who ever gets it will be wrapped in the comfort and love that the Lord worked threw you.

Shelley C

OH ALL RIGHT!!! I SURRENDER and accept this quilt humbly and meekly, knowing it is the Father's will for me to have it. He told me it's for cuddling the grandchildren under when they come to visit with me. Many hours wrapped in a quilted love quilt, rocking with Oma...I can certainly understand why He wants me to have it! Thanks.
freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net


This is a beautiful story, and thanks for sharing about your faith :)

Ruth B

I read every word and I believe as you do that this is a very special quilt. Whoever wins it, was meant to win it.

Lisa J

What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing it and your faith. Not many people out there today will admit that they have faith and believe in God, but I am one of those people and I'm glad you are too!!


I'm glad that I found you through Candance's blog. I needed to hear (or read) the words you have in this post! I am getting ready to go through some changes and this causes anxiety so I need to remind myself to relax and surrender and let God lead the way. I also grew up in Colorado, both Aurora and Colorado Springs were my home until I was 16. I've been in San Jose ever since and now planning a move about 500 miles away.

The quilt turned out beautiful by the way as did this post!

Anita in Florida

What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing...and your quilt is absolutely gorgeous...love the decorative stitching.


What a beautiful quilt, and a beautiful story. That will be one lucky family to get a quilt with so much love behind it.


Hola desde Costa Rica.

Excellent story and I love the quilt, I think a wonderful idea to make a quilt for my child of 5 years.


oh Penny... it's absolutely beautiful and the story that goes with it makes the quilt even better!
I agree, God wants to be part of every detail of our lives. Right down to thread color for a quilt!
I'm also anxious to see who might win this one! Only He knows!!
Thanks for sharing.

Elaina Sharp

Thank you so much for sharing! I've been wanting to learn how to quilt but have been a little bit nervous about taking on such a big project. Your story showed me how each piece can be glorifying to God and loving for the recipient. I can't wait to get started!


Yes!... the Lord does want us to seek Him for all our desires. This quilt is so cute and I love the story behind it. Hope I win.


what a lovely quilt! thank you for sharing your story. i would love to win this quilt -- initially just because i have never owned a homemade quilt (and i love contests)...but before i even read your "story", i knew that if i won it, it would be given away. we have a new teen pastor at our church -- they have "found" themselves pregnant ... they have a 16 and 4 year old daughters...they have NOTHING for a new baby they brought nothing with them when they moved to this state not expecting to have another baby) but especially because this new little one is a boy...she has had several scary complications (including now waiting to hear if she has contracted lyme disease from a tick bite) ... she is one month behind me in pregnancy, so her pregnancy and family are especially close to my heart (she is due in september) ... i have been wanting to do something special but i dont have the finances - this would be an amazing gift and would be incredibly meaningful...thank you for this opportunity.


Wow! I love God-stories like that. It's amazing what happens when we listen to him, isn't it? What a beautiful quilt!

Betty Anne Warriner

Hi-this is the first time that I have commented on a blog-I am new to the whole blog thing. I have been following your blog for a few weeks now. I love the story of this quilt and your courage to share it-thank you. Because of the inspiration I have found in following some fellow crafter's blogs I have started my own blog as a way to express myself and hopefully be an inspiration to someone else along the way. I am sure that whoever wins this quilt will treasure it-I know I would :)

Renee E

What a beautiful story. I am celebrating 14 years of surrender to my Father, yesterday!
I LOVE the chocolate thread.

Kate C.

That is so cool! I can't believe you are giving it away!

Linda Bylsma

What a wonderful story of surrender. I have learned alot about that lately, thanks to a discussion with the owner of my favorite quilt shop owner. God told her to quit hovering and He would take care of things. I took this advice also, and the outcome has been very satisfying. You are a strong person to part with this beauty.


LOVE IT!!! What an amazing job you did... and I'm so proud of your surrender.

Hoping to win as this fits my color scheme and would look SO amazing on my bed!

Thanks for the chance! [email protected]


Wow - what a great story. I knew Candace was a wonderful storyteller, but together you two have created an amazing tale.

The quilt is gorgeous - and I believe that we put a little of our hearts into everything we make.

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