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20 March 2010


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yeah - so excited for this!!


Now, I just need to go and find some white fabrics. I tend to have the colored fabrics, but the whites I may need to go shopping for! I may not be able to keep up with the quilt along, but I'm definitely intrigued.


I'm so intrigued by this idea! I love to quilt but totally stink at quilting huge quilts on my sewing machine. Very stressful to me. I can't wait to see how this turns out! I'm going to make a smaller lap size one and can't wait to get started.


I am stumped by that description of the finishing, clearly I am a visual learner! Do you have a close-up photo that you can show of how the blocks look once they are sewn together? Are there raw edges that will fray? I just can't wrap my head around this but I really want to! I am going to try a lap quilt to start. Sorry to be a pain! : )


Although I'm not participating I'm going to follow along. I love seeing the process and fabrics used.


I'm joining in on the fun. Of course I do everything backwards. I'm going to make blocks as I go. I have a question: Do you use a walking foot for the quilting? I tried it a while ago with just the batting and the first piece in the middle and it felt weird to sew with, like the layers weren't think enough to warrant a walking foot. I'll try it with a regular foot.


This is awesome, I have been drooling over that quilt in Patchwork Style for far too long. I am definitely participating. Thanks for hosting this Penny!


Looks like a great technique to use on a scrap quilt. Thanks for sharing the different methods to attach the completed blocks - something I had been wondering about:)


fun stuff Penny, I actually feel motivated to dive in now (not my norm, I usually like to sit and think about a project for a while)! love the updates you've done to your blog - really nice. I do have a question about the wool fiber for tying, is that something that can be found at any fabric store? Seems like everywhere around here isn't into stocking a lot of supplies. :(


I'm going to answer my own question above there and say that the quarter inch foot is the way to go!


Laura J, I used a walking foot, but if the 1/4 inch foot works for you, then great!

Anna, by wool fibre, I mean wool yarn. I like to use the real stuff and not polyester :).


probably a dunb question, but does it matter whether the scraps are washed fabric, or unwashed?


Looks like lots of fun Penny! If you need any other quilt-as-you-go inspiration, Dolls from the Loft makes some gorgeous quilts using this method!


I am excited about this! Here is my little twist... See, I make quilts, diaper bags, burp rags, etc for people all the time. Seldom do I remember to take pictures of them, but I have a ton of little scrappy fabric leftover from all of my projects. I can look through my scraps and go "Oh that was ____ for so and so." But usually I don't ever doing anything with the scraps. So, this blanket which I am doing lap size will be a mixture of all the projects I have done! It will be my little keepsake of all my hard work! And it will keep me warm ;) I am so ready!


Thanks for doing this quilt along!

I'm joining in so that I can get my bee beautiful scrappy log cabins quilted this way


My next log cabin endeavor will be quilt as I go for sure! Your log cabins rock!!


Wow! I just found you through tumbler. I had no idea you could do this. I can't wait to try it!


OK....I am REALLY LATE finding this on the internet!...But, I LOVE it! Went out and purchased some black and white fabrics....some with a little lime green mixed in...always wanted to make a quilt in those colors! I also purchased some varigated black to white thread to use for the quilting...wow, this is a step out for me!! HA!! Thanks so much for the tutorial!!


Thanks for the great tutorial! I just linked to you from my blog, where I used this technique to make a cushion...I have plans for more!


Ok so don't shoot me... I've never made a quilt before and I really want to make one but I don't know where to find a big enough piece of backing for the it. Do you just use a sheet? Please help!! Thanks a million!!


Stephanie, there's a Flickr group dedicated exclusively to "Quilt Backs" - lots of inspiration there. Also, it's fine to use sheets or solid colors from your local fabric shop - especially for a first quilt, it's important to keep it simple!

April Bowerman

I have seen some pictures where the blocks include the backing fabric. How would one piece all the squares together when done?

Kathy McBride

weee include me can;t wait

Rhonda L Gillette

I'm in. Just picked up some white's at the fabric store yesterday. : )


How many yards of batting to make the queen quilt? Love the idea of quilting as I go...


I want to learn more.

Debra Rhodes

I love quilting & never have tried it this way, lol...I have never sent mine out to be finished either, I do it all myself, yes it gets stressful trying to run a full size quilt through a regular sewing machine but in the end no matter how you put it together, its so worth it when your like, I MADE THAT!! Thanks for the tutorial, maybe one day I will try it.


Hi thank you for giving this free tutorial. It's clear and easy to understand nd I'm very grateful. I hope to do this for my daughters wedding with materials sent as replies to her wedding invites. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm going to print photos of her and her fiancé for the middle starting squares.

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