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23 June 2011


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I'd love to join in but I have a real aversion to yo yos( called Suffolk Puffs this side of the pond)..it was the clown made out of them that did it!


Thanks for the yo-yo QAL button! I added it to my blog and posted about it.

I'm having so much fun cutting and sewing. Will post pictures tomorrow.



Love the button. Thanks.


So, how did you do the progress bar? I might add one too though I really doubt I will ever make that many...who knows! It's good to have lofty goals :)


haha, the clown! i have made many of these in the past. one of the most strinking things handmade ive ever seen was a girl down in HOBART wearing a yoyo scarf. !!x


I'm excited to make some yo-yos! I saw a coverlet made out of them in a quilt (made in China) shop. It was cool. But would be so much cooler made by me. I might go a little smaller though and make a throw, or even smaller and make a pillow cover...


What a CUTE button!!!


Is there a picture of what the completed top is supposed to look like? Curious before I decide to embark on making 1000 of them...lol

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