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19 June 2011


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this is going to be amazing and I cannot wait to see it finished! I have the urge to make yo-yos now!


I think there is way you can have a counter on your blog for how many yo-yo's are done. I am off to look for one now.


You picked a perfect project. I'm eager to see how you sew them together by machine. I thought yo yos had to be hand sewn together. Live, learn and be enlightened!

Robyn of Coffee and Cotton

Yay! I have 3 done. Off to do 4.5 more :-) Thanks for the calculations.


Okay, I'm in. Got a couple of yo-yo makers for Christmas and they've been languishing on the shelf in my little studio since. I may be a little behind tho ~ it's inventory time at the little knit shop I work in (Happy Knits here in Portland) and I'm working lots.


Just ran across this post on Google Reader and am interested in joining the yo-yo along! I love making them and have lots of scraps & stash. Will begin today!

Thanks for doing this!



Not joining in, but I'll enjoy watching your progress!


This is going to be fabulous!

Kati Casey

you have convinenced me. This will be a great project to do over the summer! I am soo excited for the final project! I have a lot of Yo-yo's to make!

Samantha K.

I'm quite excited to be following along with this, even though I am not usting a yo-yo maker to do it. I'm hoping doing the Yo-Yo along will keep me movitivated to keep up, and not end up with another "work-in-progress" to add to the box.

Rachel at Stitched in Color

Very excited that machine joining is possible! So, what size do the yoyo's finish at? I'm going to go get one of those yoyo makers this week. I'm so joining in (in my own scarfy way)!


Oooh, look at all those pretty, colorful yoyos! Makes me wish I weren't just doing red and white. You guys are going to have a great time!


Lol. I ordered a yoyo maker about two weeks ago but we've got a postal strike here in Canada so I'm still waiting... I will have to live vicariously through your charming circles!


Any thoughts on about how many yards of fabric this will take? I could math it out, but I figured if you know off hand I could just continuing to embrace my English degree and leave the figuring behind. :)


Thanks for the hint about the thread and where to cut it. I like that. I have 100 and counting. Thanks also for doing the math. It makes it seem like a doable project when you break it down. I also bought a second maker because my granddaughter said she would help me. I may get done sooner than I think.


Oh, I forgot to mention, I found the perfect size saucer as a circle pattern and I used it to trace out on the back of the fabric. Just gathered up all my scraps and started drawing and I cut them out with pinking shears. Went rather quickly.


Allison, I just did the math and if I'm right, you can get 42 60mm yoyo's from a yard (with several inches of scraps leftover). So 1008 yoyo's/42 per yard= 24 yards of fabric. But keep in mind, if you're using mainly scraps, that 24 yards of fabric doesn't sound so bad :)


Ok, I caved and am in. I picked up my yo yo maker and made 4 of them tonight. I have some catch up work to do. I don't know if I will go as big as you are going but I will pick away at it. Do you have a yo yo along button?


Penny, your yo-yo's make some terrific eye candy! I can't wait to get started.

I was just about to do the math when I saw your comment. I'm excited to burn through 24 yards of fabric! I have so much to use. Now, I'm not exactly sure I need to make an entire coverlet, but I'll see where it leads. thanks for hosting the QAL. ;)


Okay, so I love my yo yo maker and can't wait to learn how to attach them by machine.
I've got a big bag full and I'm still working on them :0.

Happy sewing


What a fun project! Enjoy your summer in the outdoors :)


I'm joining, but need to get the yoyo maker...found your blog from During quiet times blog.


Thanks. 24 yards sounds unconscionable until I try to close my stash drawer (which I hardly can), look over to overflowing stash basket, recall the under the bed stash bin, and think about the stack of fabric on top of my fabric bin in the closet. Something tells me I may have enough. :) Going to get started this weekend.


I'm at @250 and counting! Gotta get in the 7.5 yo yos per day :)


I have just over 500 done and have been at a stand still for almost a year. Your yoyo along is just what I need to get at it again. I'm almost half way there already!

I've added the button!

lisa overby-blosser

So excited to join. I have 52 so far from men upcycled shirts. I am taking the kids to the pool tomorrow........ and I have 50 circles cut waiting and ready.
P.S. I am making 5 yo-yos from one sleeve. They look great.

Catherine Pascoe

Allie from Allie-oops told me about this and I would like to join in. I have 191 done and more on the way... :)


I already have the yo-yo maker, so I'll join in. I've got some catching up to do, but it is a fun summer hand project. I put your button on my side bar and did a yo-yo post today.


I just made my first yoyo a few weeks ago. I am going to try to add 7 yoyo's to my daily list of things to do.


I have lots of yo yo's already made that I wasn't quite sure what to do with, so I am going to try this with you. I can't wait to find out how to put it all together and I love the idea that you can take it along where ever i go.


I am so excited to have found this yo yo quilt along! I recently started making yo yo's with my yo yo maker (what a COOL tool!)and was looking for a yo yo project. Then lo and behold, Amanda from Crazy Mom Quilts had perfect timing and mentioned this quilt along on her blog so here I am. I'm looking forward to many relaxing hours making yo yo's and it will be fun to see what others create too.


I've just ordered a yo-yo maker via ebay, so i will be quite a bit behind you & everyone else... I always wanted to make a yo-yo quilt & am happy to be doing it along with others. Hopefully we'll all keep each other inspired to keep going & finish our quilts! yay!


ps: i've also shared on twitter, and all my appropriate flickr groups ^^


Seeing all your completed yo yos gave me an idea. I have a couple of small tote bags that have advertising on them & I am going to cover them with yo yos. I have a couple of sizes of the yo yo makers and they make life so much easier.


Just stumbled on this site. I actually started my yo-yo quilt a while back but it's going to take me longer. I want to do a king size quilt and I want each yo-yo from a different fabric. Right now I have completed 143 from fabrics from my own stash and pieces given to me. It's definitely going to be colorful!


Melinda: message me & we can do some sort of 5.5" fabric swap so we have more different fabrics?


I am a little late to the party but I know I have a couple of the YoYo makers somewhere that I have never used so now is time to dig them out! Off not to add the super cute button to my blog and if its ok can I borrow the first pic with all the yoyo's for the post on my blog?

I am looking forward to seeing everyones creations


Hi, i think i will give this a go too . got my yo-yo maker the other day only made about 35 so far but just doing about 15 in front of the tv doesn't take long at all. I found an old magzine with a yo-yo quilt set on point so i might try that one out, thanks for this sue~n.z.


I am going to join in too, at first I wasn't since I was a little behind...then I went to Joanns yesterday and bought the yoyo make, so now I am really behind and gonna join in! thanks! it will be fun!


I love it! I found your blog while looking for easy Praire Points which I am going to use immedidately on a Pineapple Blossom I want to finish this month. AND I'm going to join this. I've started a yo yo project months ago but there it sits. I am today with 34 done. I just countd them. So all us July starters have each other! I think yo-yo's are cuter than hexies! Thanks! Toni


my yoyo maker arrived today! i added the yoyo button to my blog & will update as i sew along...


Okay, I got sucked in to this from reading all of your posts and caved in and bought a yo-yo maker 2 nights ago....have 30 yo-yo's completed and I think my hubby thinks I've gone crazy making all these little circles!! LOL Anyhow, you are right - it's the perfect thing for working on when traveling and camping b/c it doesn't take that much thought or brain power! LOL.....Oh, do you have a pic of what the end result will be similar to? What size will it be?

Gotta go yo-yo now!


LOL Alyssa! Welcome to the obsession and to the yoyo along. So glad you've joined us! Actually, everyone is doing theirs differently. Mine will just be a mis-mash of scrappy, and some are color coordinating. It's all up to you!


Penny, so much for the welcome! This is actually my very first QAL....i have been a lurker at Amandajean's site and made the topsy turvy quilt but dont have a blog or anything....just enjoy coming to ya'lls! So far so good at 104 yo-yos.......woohoo!


Oops....meant to say ThANKS so much....thats what i get for using my phone to post this!


Just found this site by chance. I've been wanting to make a yo-yo quilt and had bought the clover yo-yo maker. At this time I have 56 yo-yo's made. I hope to have the rest made by Oct. Looking forward to the rest of this yo-yo along.


I'm having so much fun with this.....I dig through my scrap bags and pull anything that is big enough for a yo-yo and keep it in my basket by the TV. Anytime I sit there in front of the TV I get many yo-yo's made......thanks for the challenge.

Happy Sewing


Yay!!! 638 made... Only 370 to go!!! This is truly fun :) Thanks for the encouragement!


i've found using embroidery thread makes it so much easier/quicker. I split the thread so i'm just using 2 strands. plus tying the knot in the end of the thread takes much less time than using regular thread.
also, i found that cutting out a stack of circles is much easier/quicker, rather than putting your yoyo maker on a big piece of cloth, then cutting around the edge of the maker each time.
just some tips i found...


I have a yo yo quilt started, is it too late to join in?

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