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06 October 2011


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Archie the wonder dog

These look great! I'm grateful that Archie is improving and is now allowed to go for a slightly longer walk...


These look fantastic and I'd love a copy of the pattern :) Thanks!


Gee! Thanks for the giveaway! I am thankful and grateful for a chance to study quilting with Gwen Marston a few weeks ago. I feel energized and creative!

Barbara Newman

They are beautiful!
I am thankful for all the wonderful blogs by so many talented people that start my morning.


Oooops, missed the grateful thing ... Today it would have to be the rain ... I'm ready for autumn weather!


I am grateful for so much, but right now at this particular moment, I am grateful that my knee has finally stopped hurting and I can get back to running!

Heather K

I'm grateful that I'm getting my knee x-rayed today. It hurts!


I am not in the first 5 but I am still grateful for the internet, how did we ever live without it?!?! (especially because I am grateful for my wonderful hubby whom I met on the internet, and our fantastic 14 years of marriage and our 2 perfect kids!)


I am grateful that it has been absolutely gorgeous the last several days, which has given me time to go to the park with my daughter in the afternoons after I finished work.

Suvi Rajamäki

lovely! I'm too late for the grateful thing so I'm just going to ask whether you think that cut tulle would work as well? no craft netting available in my corner of the world...

Carol Turznik

Too bad I'm too late for the free pattern. I thought I might have to learn how to crochet, and I'd really be grateful for that!


What's netting?......


I'll have to pass this pattern on to a friend.


Tulle will work, but it's not as scratchy and will take longer to clean with. It looks like netting is easily available online... Just search for craft netting and several online shops pop up!
I just put a link to what netting is in the blog post.


Those are adorable Penny! I love scrubbies -- and sadly, my cats do too LOL!


Those are great scrubbies, yay Shirley!

My mom (she's 90 now) sold over a thousand double-sided scrubbies similar to these, (they weren't puffy, just flat) and she sold them for a buck a piece, dirt cheap. It was hysterical to watch her hawk her wares at the grocery store nearby. The employees there love her and would buy them 6 or 12 at a time. My husband and I cut all her netting for her so she would crochet all the time and I think she wore off her fingerprints! :) I can't crochet at all, even after taking lessons, so I was one of her best customers. Ha!


Well, I'm grateful for so much so much of the time, it's hard to know what to write. Today I'm grateful for the cool weather cause I can wear a sweater and not get sweaty!
Really, I'm grateful for the wonderful relationship I have with my son and dil. They keep me balanced and I do love them so much.
My aunt made me scrubbies, I used to have a bunch of them, but, unfortunately they wear out.

Rachel at Stitched in Color

How fascinating that you can make a scrubby this way! I have never used or seen this kind of scrubbie. As strange as it sounds, I think my mom would dig it if I made her one for Christmas. Hmmm... Here here for crochet!!


I live in a small town with NO craft stores, so I am grateful that my Wal-mart actually sells this netting so I can make these!! :)


My mother loved her netting scrubbies. She bought her first ones but then I became her source because I crochet. Ya can't say 'no' to your mom so I copied the ones she had and kept her supplied. My fathers only request was 'no green'. When wet and used they looked like 'lettuce leaves' and managed to get in to the disposal LOL!


do you think you could make these scrubbies with t he mesh bags that produce come in?
I really want to upcycle them

Samantha K.

I ordered my pattern!!! I can't wait to make a couple for my home! The silver metal scratchy ones drive me crazy!! Thanks for sharing!!


Hooray I ordered the pattern! I look forward to receiving the PDF and giving this a try : )


That little cutie looks amazing!


hey Penny....long time,no see! Love 'Shirley's scrubbies', now I'll have to learn how to crochet when I'm still learning to piece and quilt, with no time for any of this crafty fun. So good to hear your new house news...hope to see you at the end of Oct.

Beverly Atkins

I just ordered the pattern. Can't wait to make some! Thanks for a great idea.

kelly whitaker

Yay! I'd love to win... looks like a versatile little thing!


You just make the cutest stuff, girl!

natalie at beyond the reef

Oh oh. Clearly I'm not the fifth comment.
I was looking for a 'make it' holiday present for my Friendship Group!

Thanks for the 'cute'.

Oh, I can o r d e r the pattern? Okay.


You can try it out! I do know that the craft netting that I use is a bit more stiff and scratchy than those netting bags, but I would be interested to see if it works for you. Please do let us know what you think if you do it!


Those scrubbies do look nice and fluffly!


They look pretty yet efficient!


Hello, Oh dang, I'm not within the 5 comments to get the free pattern for your scrubbie, Oh Well. I've been looking at sites for scrubbies and the one your MIL made is different then the ones I've found so far. What would I be grateful for, I'd be grateful if you would decide to send me the pattern even though I'm not within the first five.
Thank you, Pam


This is so cute! What a clever idea!

Carolyn Gastel

I missed out on the free pattern and make some myself every year at Christmas for my family. This one looks so neat though, I would love to try it!


I just found this blog and was wondering how I would go about getting the pattern for Shirley's Scrubbies. I take it from reading the posts it was a free design at some point.
Look forward to hearing from you.

Colleen Thoring

When I am travelling, I like to do a craft to help pss the time. Your scrubbie pattern looks great and I would like to order the pattern. Please tell me how I can get one. Thnkas.


Shirley, I just found your blog..... I LOVE the scrubbies, I make a different version but saw one at a friend's house that is more similar to yours and I love the 3-D-ness of them... I jsut want to make them for myself and my family/friends.... Would you share your pattern with me? I have no intention of selling anything..>Too much fun to share them.

Cheryl Mace

I have used these before, they work great. Would love to know how to make them.
The picture of yours look great. I love the tri colors

Cathy R

Any chance I could get this pattern, I just found your search....I like others would like this just for personal use

Debbie E.

I have made scrubbies before, but they don't look anything like this, I made for family for gifts, where can I get this pattern? Please share, these look a lot better than mine. Just want for personal use. Thanks!

Carolyn Mansfield

These look fabulous. Just what I am looking for. I need this pattern. My family loves my scrubbies that I make but they would love these more. I give these to everyone for Christmas presents along with some crocheted dish cloths and they have been a hit for years. Thank you.

Carolyn Mansfield

These look fabulous. Just what I am looking for. I need this pattern. My family loves my scrubbies that I make but they would love these more. I give these to everyone for Christmas presents along with some crocheted dish cloths and they have been a hit for years. Thank you.

Carolyn Mansfield

These look fabulous. Just what I am looking for. I need this pattern. My family loves my scrubbies that I make but they would love these more. I give these to everyone for Christmas presents along with some crocheted dish cloths and they have been a hit for years. Thank you.

Brenda Lay

I am soooo glad I found your site! I don't crochet much myself but I have family that does. We have been trying to figure out how these are made for so long. I used to travel to Texas every winter and stumbled upon these at a flea market. Every winter when we went back to Texas, I would buy 20 or so because my family and I must love them. I use them for all dishes, bathroom cleaning, taking silks off of ears of corn, lint off of clothes, and other things. Thank you so much for posting this!!!


I love this scrubbie and yes, I use scrubbies on everything.
Am I in time for the free pattern? :)

thank you so much.


k dunivan

is it too late for a free pattern merry christmas

k dunivan

gave you wrong e-mail for pattern

Judy Campbell

Hi I', lookin forward to receiving free pattern for the scrubbies. I make knitted dishclothes as gifts & want to include a scrubbie. I am just starting to do basic crocheting. I think this would be a Gr8 addition to my giving. Judy I am happy its snowing outside & I'm inside crocheting, sitting beside my wood stove THIS THURSDAY!!


How can I order the pattern for the scrubby. I went to your ETSY store but it wasn't there?

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