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31 December 2011


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L O V E camera man!! Well done! happy New Year!!


Your projects are so inspiring. I love the cat mat and the camera man especial.


Great creatity with you at christmas - I can see :-) Love it.
Wish you a happy new year


Your projects are absolutely amazing. Especially your camera man, I'm in awe. Happy New Year.


Loving your fishy cat mat......Alice (my cat) is such a messy eater I wouldn't want to use it!
Happy New Year...looking forward to lots of your projects and posts in the coming year.

cindy j

Those two bee blocks are amazing! I am always in awe seeing what you create. :)


Look at the fun you're having! I love everything!

Anna M

Hi Penny! You always create such amazing projects. I recently got a copy of the Modern Blocks book and was so excited to see your block in there. Congratulations! =)


Great post! I loved looking at everything! Gotta make that fishy mat.


Wow - wow - love camera man - and the fish and glasses and ALL of it! Enjoy your party - we're having a very quiet night at home!


Oh my sweet goodness Penny. Lovely, lovely work! Camera man takes my breath away ... you must feel deeply content with such a quality outpouring of projects! (I love that feeling. Like pushing back from the table after a really satisfying meal with a sigh of happiness).
We have already rung in the New Year here in Oz in our usual way. Freddy boy was snoring in bed and I was feeding the baby on the couch listening to the city fireworks. Life really is just one big thrill after another :)


Such great work! I can't wrap my brain around how you well you transfer an image into a paper pieced block. Such small pieces and careful execution make your work amazing. Happy New Year!


Your quilt projects are the best! Happy New Year Penny!


Goodness me, you've been busy! love all of it, especially Camera Man, so cute, my son would just love this block.
Here's to an especially Crafty New Year to one and all!

Ellen Ban

Lucky you having the whole week to sew! Your projects turned out great! Happy New Year! I'll look forward to reading your blog in 2012!


I love you paper piecing. I'm always inspired by the things you do with fabric. The Camera Man is too too cool.

Rachel at Stitched in Color

Wow, that's an incredible assortment of finished objects. Love that cats mat to pieces!

Ika Devita Susanti

Wonderful job there! I love camera man!


Wow! Your blocks are amazing Penny! You always do such great work. I hope you've had a good break -- isn't it nice to have some time off of work???


All of those are amazing! I love them! And yay for Matte being so nice. :)


I am loving everything you have been making lately!


Great projects! My favs are the fish shaped cat mat and the men's log-cabin slippers. Some great things...now, I wanna put on my "ta-do" list.



Oh Penny, these projects are gorgeous!! Ayumi's work always blows me away and did you ever do a great job :) ah Matte Stephens, a favourite of mine as well. Happy new year lady!

Heather F

I just made my husband a paper-pieced vw van pillow case and know how hard it is to figure out the parts of the paper piece. Great work!!

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