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27 April 2012


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She looks like a workhorse to me- obviously I have already called her Junkie! Maybe June is prettier- old school!


i think she looks like a gertrude.....but that's just me.


I have the previous model. I struggle with the 1/4 inch too -- there's that foot with the extra bit on the side that's supposed to be 1/4 inch, but I prefer a scant 1/4 inch. mostly I just line up the edge of the fabric with the edge of the foot. other than that, this is an amazing machine -- you'll love the foot pedal thread cutter, the knee lift, the speed, the speed, the speed, and the beautiful stitches. I found Aurifil thread works better than a poly thread. as for a name.... Judy the Juki? Speed demon?


I have an earlier model, but one thing that is very important is keeping it oiled. It makes all the difference!


I love L-man's suggestion. I know she has to weigh upwards of 25 lbs., so Juk-zilla could be her given name and call her Ju-Ju for short.


love lots of j names - jane, judy (judi), janelle. (i'm considering j names, too, but for my janome!) actually judi the juki is good. solid. i considered this machine, but wanted to be able to do some other kinds of stitching.


I actually have this machine, and I love it. The quarter inch seam is slightly big, so I use the edge of the regular foot, which works perfectly.

Aunt Spicy

she isa juk-ster, hard working, dependable but with a serious fun streak!


I have a Juki Upholstery machine that weighs over 100 lbs. I haven't found anything yet she won't stitch through. Love it. Her name is Mathilda.


I tried to find a translation for Juki - and the only translation site that had anything said it was polish for 'saddlebags'? LOL So, maybe J-Lo for the 'junk in the trunk'? Hehe :)


ooo, have fun penny! my co-worker has a juki, seems like it would be fun, I like sewing FAST. good luck with the name. maybe you could name her fast freddie, ha


thanks for the tip, Brenda!


this is exactly what the dealer said! It has like a ton of oil points too, I was surprised!


thanks Ashley!


oh Karin, I can't stop laughing!


Ohh very new and shiny, but gosh doesnt she look long... Or is that just me.
My vote for a name is Joleene but then I would have that song stuck in my head constantly :p


Nice machine!

I am going to just give you what popped in my head--Delilah. I LOVE that name!

Cathi in Texas

JuJuBeez...that's my suggestion for a name. I don't name my machines..


She is beautiful! I propose Jukilicious!

Lee Ann L.

I got a Brother recently; so, now my Janome is "sister". LOL. :-) I don't name my machines. How about Jubilee (Jubi for short)? Jubi(lee) the Juki? :-)


however much id love your pincushion Penny, i am blank for a name. congratulations on picking up such a nice machine! have fun sewing.

Katy (LethargicLass)

Jezebel :)

Lynne (Lily's Quilts)

Cornelia Premendorfer

Lynne (Lily's Quilts)

You know it makes sense

Lynne (Lily's Quilts)

All smart up front but a few knots in the hidden bits...

Aunt Marti

Penny, I call my Juki "Zippy," 'cuz she's so FAST!


What about "The Juice"? Or "The Juk Meister"?


I don't have a name suggestion but I can't tell you how much I love my Juki. I use the 1/4" foot all the time and never even think about whether it is totally accurate. I refer to mine as a Clydesdale because it is such a work horse and can sew through anything. The knee lever is awesome but the thread cutter button on the foot pedal is going to change your world. Enjoy!


CONGRATULATIONS! You got a good one! You should compare the stitch length as it stitches a little longer than a Bernina. Not much, but if you're looking for a tight stitch length, it matters.
I like JukiJukiJuki, like JudyJudyJudy. OR Stella implying steller.

elle squared

She is a big-boned gal--how's about Big Bertha? Or Bertie for when she's feeling spry and perky. I have a Midori Janome (6600), a Hidegaard Pfaff (2056), and a Naomi Singer (301). But I haven't name my car. Have to draw the line somewhere. . . . or it gets a little creepy. . .

Jacklynn Grimm

Since my name starts with a 'J', Jackie or Jacqueline sounds special. Or Ju-Ju-be, like the candy. I just got a Husqvarna - Viking quilt machine, never thought to name her. Now you've got me thinking! I like another comment about "Jolene" too!

Amanda K

Kabuki Juki....or just Kabuki. I like rhymes :)


Happy new sewing machine!.... I'd call her Julika....


i would call her violet or rose... i think i will name my next sewing machine rose. ;)


Johannah! You could call her Jo for short.


How ab out Juki-san? "The suffix -san is a polite honorific attached to a person's name or title". BTW, I cut and paste the -san definition from Wikipedia directly.

barbara rohrbeck

granddaughter sadie suggests julie, she is just learning to sew and made her first pair of sleep pajamas yesterday, was just trolling your blog and she was watching also

Michelle Kingsley

I love the name Julia--maybe you do too. Should you select this name & as much as I'd love to have something you've made, the prize should go to Sadie who suggested Julie. I think of Julia as elegant & Julie as happy...Above all, enjoy your new machine!


I have a Juki! (My momma gave it to me!)I have no good, smart sounding Juki tips tho. I use mine on a Super Quilter frame....and not all that often, sadly. As for a name, I think Jerri Juki sounds good :-) That was my late Grandma's nickname. Short for Geraldine. My grandma was a snazzy lady like your machine. She worked hard but always looked nice while doing it. A beautiful, practical lady with a smart exterior :-) Good luck finding her a name and enjoy your new machine!


I kind of love the suggestion for "the Juice". But since I'd love that little pin cushion, I have to suggest my idea of "Suki the Juki".

Congrats on the new machine. Looks like a lot of fun. :)


Love that pincushion - I collect them and would be ecstatic to have one of yours;) And since I love the JLo comment - too funny!!! I'm gonna go with Emme (that is J Lo's daughter's name - and no I did not know that, I googled it;) ) but also because my daughters name is Emmi and I originally spelled it Emme - I just like it that way. But my mother in law didn't so therefore my husband didn't;) And I loved my mil dearly and she was always very grammatically correct, so I'm ok that we spelled it with and "i". kind of;) Have a blast with the Juki - my sister has one and I've sewn on it and I think i'd love it if I was more of a quilter than and everyting else sewer.


Oh dang someone took my idea....Suki the Juki! Oh well. She's beautiful and I've been interested in them as well. Maybe someday!


I've had my Juki for over 10yrs and she's still going strong!

How 'bout Jukilicious? You put out so many things related to the kitchen, this seams to go well :)

The best advice I can think of is to clean her out often. Remove the needle plate too or else you'll end up with some felt under there!

You can check out my work horse here http://kwinrc.blogspot.com/2010/03/new-sewing-room.html


How Exciting, hmm I'm thinking she needs a classic solid name like Betsy, Good Ole' Betsy... I've never tried a Juki, I have an Elna, which I call Elna and soon will have a Janome, but Iv'e heard they are speedy little guys!


My Janome 6600p has been named Big Bertha as she's so huge & heavy compared to my old Brother who is now referred to as Little Bro.


I think Sukey the Juki. Or you could reference True Blood (if you are a fan) and go for Sookie. :) Cute little carrot, where have I seen that before...:)


Well, I think Trisha is a fun name, but if you want to keep the juki sound, suzuki is always fun :D

have fun naming!


I named my machine after the person who inspired me to buy it (my husband's aunt, Rosie) ... so how about AJ? :) Enjoy the new machine!


I like Jenny the juki. Just like the machine, Jenny is no nonsense and gets the job done...but a Jenny can be fast too! I have the same juke and love her. I like to use the foot for seams because it gives a scant 1/4" so after pressing, the pieced sizes are perfect. It's great for half square triangles


Quiltkin. ;-)

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