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15 November 2012


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Lisa L.

Hi Penny, I haven't paper pieced before but I've been a long-time fan of your blog and adore pretty much every project you've posted. I love how you're able to create drawings out of fabric almost--you're not limited to squares or variations on squares. Keep being awesome!


I tried paper piecing for the first time last month...a cute little pumpkin pincushion. Love your designs and would be thrilled to win!


I've done a fair bit of paper piecing and enjoy it a lot ~ houses and various other things. I've got some of your patterns in fact, but waiting for the right fabric to make them.
Thanks for the drawing!


I made a 12 X 12 quilt that was paper pieced. It was from Carol Doak's teach me to paper piece book. It was lots of fun!


I have paper pieced before and I love it! Once I'm in the groove with the thinking it requires, it goes so well and one of my favorite parts is how precise the points come out. Your snowman is super sweet!

Penny G

I have paper pieced before, in fact the second quilt I made was paper pieced.
The cup of coffee is my dream paper piecing project right now, but I have some owls for a baby quilt to finish first.

Jenny C

I haven't paperpieced other than 2 hexagons at a Guild meeting. I would love to make a double sided snowflake about 12" in diameter. I think 3/4" hexies would do the job.
I love your little snow man.


The little snow man is so adorable! I tried paper piecing for the first time a few months ago and I'm hooked! Thanks for the chance to win the liberty scrap pack!

Rae R

I paper pieced scrappy hearts for a couple of quilts. I liked having my hearts turn out just right every time. Thanks for the chance to win!


I've done paper piecing... had a very good teacher, in fact! ;) I've never used a flex frame before, but that would be super cute for a gift card!


I've not done papaer piecing but I'm fascinated by all the hexies floating around right now.


I looove paper piecing!!! and I'm a huge fan of Sew Ichigo! tks fr the chance Penny! xx


I have taken one class and paper pieced a square in a square. I am looking forward to learning more when you visit the KCMQG! Thanks for the opportunity!


I haven't paper pieced before - it's on my list of things to play with and learn over the holidays when I have a few days off from work!


I've done a bit of paper piecing- mainly on some New York Beauty blocks.

Sally nicol

Years ago I pieced a paper hexie cushion but seeing all wonderful patterns I want to try it again.


I started paper piecing a Crazy Quilt out of old ties, but my son threw the completed squares away, and I lost the desire. I am ready to try again, and I would like to tackle the stack of bowls.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Sandy A in St. Louis

I love to paper piece! Your snowman is so cute and would make a great beginner project! Thanks for sharing.


I just finished my first quilt with paper piecing. It's a star sampler quilt.


I have never paper pieced before, I am a little scared of trying it but do need to take the plunge as there are so many designs using it that I love. This is a cute snowman and a great beginners' project, thanks for the detailed tutorial. I would love some Liberty too, which girl wouldn't!!


I've got a paper piecing template all ready to go - but haven't tried it yet. I'm a little intimidated! I'd love to do paper-pieced stars.


I've never paper pieced before, but I would love to do something food themed for my kitchen! Love the little snowman bag!

Lubna Bazzy

I DO paper piece and I love it! I've probably been paper piecing for close to 10 years. It's a great way to introduce someone new to the ways of piecing! Thanks for the giveaway!! [email protected]

Linda Fieldhouse


I am getting into it more and love it. I am making lots of mug rugs with Christmas pp theme. My next pp is the kitchen aide mixer for one of oldest friend. She had the first kitchen aide and introduced me to the wonder of it. Then she gave me a kitchen aid mixer when I got married 18 years ago. I am excited to start it. Have a great weekend.

Will show it all on IG. I love it that I can share what I am doing with you😊



I learned paper piecing from you! And I just used my new skills this past week for our guild's Christmas swap!


I never paper pieced before, it just seems daunting! And they don't sell freezer paper where I live:( but I'd love to try kitchen-themed one someday!^^


I have tried paper piecing only a few times. I would love to try more of anything.

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