Have you all heard that Allegory is hosting a QAL for 318 Patchwork Patterns? She is making 4 mini blocks from the book each week until Dec 1 and posting tips for making the blocks each week.
There are a few of us that chose a block for her to make each week, and the block I chose is the chicken.
The original chicken pattern in the book has a total of 5 y-seams. I made one change to the pattern to cut out two of the y-seams and two sections. It doesn't change the look of the chicken, it just made it easier to piece!
Here's what I did:
The pattern was originally broken into two sections (indicated by the green areas inside the pink lines). Instead, I crossed out the green sections and made the pink lined area all one area, which could be part of the chicken head section. This reduced the pattern by 2 y-seams, indicated by the red arrows.
Because this book is so full of y-seams in the pieced patterns, I hope this helps you all to be creative and make the piecing a bit easier when you can! And make sure and check out Allegory's posts for more tips!
Loving the chicken! I have the apple and mug done and are hand stitching the tulip today. I think the chicken is next!
Piecing is still very new to me, but I after trying many of the techniques shared, I'm finding that hand stitching the patterns with the pattern traced on the fabric with 1/4" SA works perfect for me. Plus my y-seams look best too. Odd, huh?
Thanks for sharing the cuteness! Cindy
Posted by: Cindy | 06 November 2014 at 07:02 AM
Handy hint! I haven't made the chicken yet, but yours is very cute!
Posted by: Carla | 10 November 2014 at 01:20 AM