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30 September 2015


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Gene Black

Those are pretty cool. I have taken a Stitched Portraits class on Creftsy but I have only watched it so far.


Ohh, what fun! I love them all! And I love how you started with a flowery fabric as the background! I noticed right away from an earlier post of Melissa's how everyone's look like selfies :-)


I saw a dog portrait once that I just loved and tried to take the class but missed out.
Now this is so cool I can't believe you got her to leave her home on Cape Cod ( if I read correctly) to camp out at your Colorado home to teach you and your friends.....what a really nice person she must be and what a great cook and you must have a super duper home.
I like that you were "free" to use those fabrics for you ladies hair.

I checked out the face 1 quilt and wow it is spectacular she didn't mention the size? Do you know?
I'd wish to make portrait quilts of my grandchildren.....catch their faces in their youth

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