Penny@sewtakeahike on 12 January 2015 at 03:54 AM in FaVoRITe THinGs , sEwiNG , clothing, Outdoor | Permalink | Comments (4)
Since getting our tandem last fall, Lenny and I have been daydreaming of summer rides into town to farmers markets, breakfast and to run errands. We have been taking advantage of some very lovely mornings the last several weeks to ride, and this weekend we had a weekend full of those things and it has filled my heart.
One thing we've found that helps to replenish us as we ride are orange wedges. So last weekend when we were camping, I drew up a new design I'm calling Sweet Citrus, inspired by our replenishing orange wedges as we ride.
This weekend I sewed one up and made it into a pillow for one of our chairs.
I have a few other ideas for this pattern, hopefully more pics soon!
Penny@sewtakeahike on 30 June 2014 at 06:16 AM in LiFE in GEneRaL, FaVoRITe THinGs , Family, sEwiNG , camPing!, Outdoor , paper piecing, PaTTerns, qUiLtiNG | Permalink | Comments (6)
Penny@sewtakeahike on 10 March 2014 at 05:47 PM in CUrrEnt EvENts, fABricS, Outdoor | Permalink | Comments (4)
Penny@sewtakeahike on 17 December 2012 at 06:32 AM in FaVoRITe THinGs , Family, sEwiNG , Outdoor , qUiLtiNG | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
A lot of you may have already heard about the High Park fire and if not, you can click on the link to read a bit about it if you wish.
We had some tremendous lightening storms here last week and one of the strikes started the High Park fire that has grown like mad over the last week. For the first day and a half after it started I thought we were sitting fine. The fire was 7ish miles north of us and our home is on a large lake and we live on a sort of penninsula, so yeah, I thought we were good. But then last Sunday afternoon the smoke plume kept getting closer and closer and then the call came to evacuate.
I froze.
I'm not proud of this next part, especially since so many people have lost so much, but then I had a sort of mental temper tantrum, thinking that if I couldn't take all my fabric, then I didn't want to take any of it.
L-man promptly brought me back to my senses by telling me he needed me to get it together quickly and pile together the things we had decided we would take in case something like this ever happened.
Our evacuation ended up being like a mini vacation (still going to work, but being blessed by a friend by being able to stay in super nice accomodations with our Foz-man) for a few days until we were allowed to come back home.
The firefighters were able to get part of the fire contained 3 or so miles north of us, but it continues to grow on the north and west.
So please pray. Pray for safety, pray for peace, pray for rain, pray for uplifted hearts, pray for generosity, pray for sympathy, pray that friends reach out to help others, and pray the fire is contained.
The phrase "there's no place like home" had never hit me so hard as when we were allowed to come home on Wednesday evening.
Walking into the house I could hear the hummingbirds whizzing around looking and sounding like the jetsons and I promptly opened all the windows and put a pot of hummingbird food on the stove.
And although I woke up very early in the darkness on Thursday morning, having a hard time breathing because the smoke was so heavy in our house, I couldn't help but think, there really is no place like home.
Penny@sewtakeahike on 15 June 2012 at 01:16 PM in LiFE in GEneRaL, FaVoRITe THinGs , CUrrEnt EvENts, Family, Friends , Outdoor | Permalink | Comments (24) | TrackBack (0)