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09 July 2011


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lovely! i am looking forward to seeing your progress on this one. you always combine the best fabrics!


LOVE these--especially the teal and yellow :)


..........I'm thinking about it!


Your blocks are so cute! I've been enjoying seeing them all over blogland. So far, I've managed to resist, but it's getting harder!


LOVE those modern versions.
Nope, I can't join. Too much on my plate...


I've got my book... can't quite get myself settled in to make the blocks though. I'm having fabric indecision problems. ;) Yours look AMAZING! :)

krista - Poppyprint

Your blocks are so fun - I especially love the marigold/aqua one!

diane stanley

If I wasn't already a Farmer's wife I would certainly be one after seeing your lovely blocks and fabric choices.


I love all the graphics in your fabrics! Your blocks are pure FUN.

So I am contemplating getting the book but I was reading some of the reviews on Amazon about the difficulty of the templates and not enough explanation.....What do you think? Do you like the book so far?

Angie Platten

Darling! Very fresh and mod. But I'm DYING to know where you got that fabric with all the text on it! I"m in love!


I keep trying hard not to join in, but your blocks are so lovely, I may just give in. I love the fabrics you've chosen to use!


Yahoo!!! Your blocks are so characteristically YOU. I'm not a farmer's wife either but I couldn't sit on the sidelines of this QAL. So I caved and joined. I say that even though I have not started a single block. I intend to. Intent is the first step. I'm thinking I have just a little bit of a problem with acronyms that start with Q & K and end with AL because I committed to doing Amanda Jean's and I just had to do a KAL with Kirsten Kapur. I'm in over my head but I'm so happy and happiness has to count for something. :-)


i am soooo not into all those tiny triangles Penny, but your blocks are really singing!!
such great work!


Shoot Penny, I've been out of the group for a few days and you've only gone and posted the best blocks of the group. I love how you do scrappy. You do it better than anyone else. You're very clever but not as clever as me.


I love them! Esp. the turquoise and yellow. I just love the way you put fabrics together. so happy!


I love your fabric choices (as always, I may add ;))

Rachel at Stitched in Color

I am not joining in, but your blocks have me turning around for a 2nd and 3rd look. I think it's the words that get me. I haven't a single word in my stash. That's just wrong.


Gorgeous blocks Penny! This is going to be a wonderful quilt.


Just ordered my book on Friday (should be here on Monday). I'm looking forward to it. Your blocks are very clean/colorful. I love them.


i love all of those blocks!

Ruth Veazey

Just found your blog, I love it. I was wondering, what book did you get from Amazon for the Quilt A Long?

Thanks for the help.

I am working with the yoyo's.


Beverly Atkins

I love your fabric choices!!!!! I wish I could join in but I don't think I'm disciplined enough and I already have tons have through as it is. Can't wait to see more of your blocks. Thanks for sharing.


i love the blue and yellow block!


I am totally into this quilt. I usually do more than two blocks per week because I am totally addicted to it. I feel like a stock piling squirrel.

I love your fabric choices too. Why is it I always wish I had picked someone else's (like yours cause I love it) and I end up not liking mine at all. I like some of mine but when I look at it on my design wall, I say to myself- ugh!

moncler nouveau

So fun article is! I know more from it.

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